Contact Us
If you need legal help, please click here to learn more about our services and the kinds of legal issues we can help with. You can complete an online intake form there to request our help.
Please note that it may take VLP Staff at least one to two weeks to respond to your inquiry as we often have backlogs of requests for help. We cannot assist clients with emergency situations. Please click here to learn about other resources for people who need legal help.
The fastest way to request our help is to complete an online intake form. If you cannot use the online intake form, you can email us at or you can try to reach us through our intake phone numbers. Please note that calling or emailing rather than using the online form may result in a longer wait time to receive help.
If your legal issue is in Northern Maine (Aroostook, Hancock, Penobscot, Piscataquis, Somerset, Waldo, and Washington counties) you can leave a message for our Bangor Office at 1-207-573-1171.
If your legal issue is any other Maine county, you can call 1-207-544-4886 on Mondays 1:00-3:30 pm or Fridays 9:00-11:30 am (you cannot leave a message at this number).
If you would like to contact us about volunteering, please click here.
All media and other inquiries can be sent to
Our fax number is: 207-221-1197.