Support Our Work Expanding Access to Justice Throughout Maine
VLP is a small, well-established 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with an outsized impact. We depend on the generosity and financial support of individuals and businesses who are passionate about access to justice.
Your gift will go directly to providing legal help to someone desperately in need of assistance with a family law, employment, probate, or other civil legal problem.
By efficiently recruiting, coordinating, and deploying scores of attorney and community volunteers, VLP multiplies the value of revenues received by almost three times in terms of the value of legal services provided.
General Unrestricted Donations
Your donation will fund our continued work for the people of Maine. Thank you for your support as we bring fairness and justice to Mainers
You can also send donations by mail to:
The Maine Volunteer Lawyers Project, 75 Pearl St., Suite 215, Portland, ME 04101.
Juliet C. Holmes-Smith Memorial Fund
To honor the memory of Juliet C. Holmes-Smith, our beloved former Executive Director who passed away in 2020, The Volunteer Lawyers Project established a special fund to support legal representation for Mainers affected by domestic violence.
To learn more, and to donate, please visit the Juliet C. Holmes-Smith Memorial Fund page.
Campaign for Justice
Members of the Maine Bar can support the Volunteer Lawyers Project’s work by donating to the Campaign for Justice, a special collaborative fundraising effort by Maine’s legal community to support civil legal aid.
To learn more, and to donate, please visit the Campaign for Justice website.
Bequest, Cy-Pres, and Other Gifts
Underwrite a project at the Volunteer Lawyers Project or make the Volunteer Lawyers Project the recipient of a bequest or cy-pres award.
To learn more, please contact us by e-mail at